The majority of all foreigners travels to the U.S. to seek better opportunities, however, immigrants are often made susceptible because of who they are. Costa informs us how often immigrants, and migrants with visas are mistreated and threaten, women are often used as sex slaves. Costa uses pathos to cause emotions by informing the reader how immigrants are tossed around. Costa expresses that foreign guest workers that come out of the country are often the most abused, they are abused by because they are low-skilled workers that come to the U.S. with visas. “…workers on H-2A and H-2B visas have been beaten and assaulted, raped, starved, kept as captives and subjected to forced labor…”( Costa 2) this happens because employers who have guest workers try to push off having U.S. citizen workers because guest workers are paid much less than skilled workers. Some of them get paid one dollar an hour up to two dollars and hour. Along with such cheap labor they are mistreated and are forced into sex slavery because the employer is doing them a …show more content…
Any field worker or “Guest worker” Shall be compensated for their work, they shall not be lied to, and they shall not be held inmate by any employer and most importantly shall not be threatening to snatch their documents or live in worse conditions. Undocumented people should not be denied medical treatment for any job injuries. Costa also includes “Sanders is a son of a polish Jewish migrant, and has spoken in favor of comprehensive immigration reform and ending detention quotas for undocumented immigrants.” Sanders understands that undocumented people should have the same benefits and rights as an American citizen. No one should feel as if they should flee the country or feel they will have to flee the country because of who they are. Costa expresses what he believes is correct. He believes migrant workers will be a great addition to our American economy. Of course, having requirements for them will also help improve their skills and ours for