One reason was due to the relative distance of the light source to the sample. It was discovered, after the third experiment, that the samples were heated. The increase in temperature was harmful to the cells and may have killed some cells. The dead cells were counted as immobile during the census. Another reason, was the longevity of the acid shock. The acid shock of 60 seconds may have been life threatening for some of the cells and the dead cells were counted as immobile during the census. This experiment may be done differently by ensuring that the relative distance of the lamp was at a predetermined safe distance away from the cells and that the length of time the cells were in the acid shock was, also, at a predetermined safe amount of
One reason was due to the relative distance of the light source to the sample. It was discovered, after the third experiment, that the samples were heated. The increase in temperature was harmful to the cells and may have killed some cells. The dead cells were counted as immobile during the census. Another reason, was the longevity of the acid shock. The acid shock of 60 seconds may have been life threatening for some of the cells and the dead cells were counted as immobile during the census. This experiment may be done differently by ensuring that the relative distance of the lamp was at a predetermined safe distance away from the cells and that the length of time the cells were in the acid shock was, also, at a predetermined safe amount of