The aging population is growing and the baby boomers has reach retirement age. A person’s life expectancy is longer, which increases the incidents of chronic diseases, disability, and the need for long-term health care. In addition, aging movement patterns are changing which affects hospital services. Issues like the health care cost, increases in prescription drug cost or the need for in home medical care, and the financial costs of managing chronic diseases. The aging population is the baby boomers reaching the retirement age. The aging of baby boomers will trigger changes in what is necessary to care for the elderly. There will be an increased need for doctors, whom specializes in various …show more content…
They represent 12.9% of the United States population, which is about one in every eight Americans. By 2030, there will be about 72.1 million older persons, more than double since 2000. In 2010, there were 23.0 million older women and 17.5 million older men, or changing to sex ratio is 132 women for every 100 men. This will change with the increase in age, ranging from 112 for the 65-69 age groups to a high of 206 for persons 85 and …show more content…
The impact of aging will be deeply felt by the health care field. With the aging population on the society will have a need for more health care professionals. As the baby boomers generation continues to age, there will be a demand for more geriatric experts. This will include fields of medicine, physical therapist, and mental health care workers, which this will cause a future demand of these professions. Also, a high demand of long term care and assist living facilities will become a high priority. As the aging population continues to grow the demand for more professional will be in demand for the health care field.
Aging Population affect the health care market The health care market is going to take a hit by the tremendous amount of baby boomers reaching the retirement age will definitely will increase the IT technology market by planning for the future with a lot of elderly staying in their homes due to the vacancies of the retirement homes and the cost will be too expensive. The cost of prescription drugs will increase with the more chronic illnesses. The rising cost of medical equipment and the in in-home medical care.
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