Firstly, it is logical to say that with billions of pages available to any user, Internet far surpasses all informational databases or libraries in the world. From books to music through travel guides, everything is or can be found on the Internet. Great cultural database, the Internet is a space where cultures, traditions and religions mix. It is a real platform for public expression. Anyone can have its own web page and provide any information he wants. From videos to photos, text to recipes, the possibilities are limitless! Internet gives people a freedom never granted before, the possibility of escape, but also exchange.
Secondly, the main actors in medical practice have tried for decades to get the most out of computers in order to improve the quality and traceability of care. It was first in the administrative management of patients, then in the process of acquiring medical data (CT, MRI, in particular) and their treatment. More recently, the act of the clinician was itself modified by the computer and the radiologist was able to establish more accurate diagnoses with imaging modalities and has been able to achieve virtual tests (endoscopies for example). The surgeon, meanwhile, can now access during the procedure to anatomical data pre-recorded and analyze in real time the position of the surgical tool relative to the data that he can not perceive directly
Thirdly, even that for some children, this is a new object, a source of curiosity, excitement and jubilation, on the pedagogical level, it is a tool primarily to improve practices and methods of teaching and learning .The evolution of teaching practices allowing