The baseline for Microsoft operating systems today originated in 1981 with MS-DOS. It is a text based command prompt primarily used by IT and manufacturers to manage and change different configurations and setups in the computer. The creation of this operating system allowed computers based on microprocessor the time to advance along with the operating system technologies. The improvement of this technology came along with Windows 1.0, released in 1985. This OS provided the beginning of Microsoft’s Windows line that has finally lit up to Windows 8 ironically having near identical icon to Windows 1.0 and 2.0. Online stores have become a very popular way of purchasing items and getting them shipped to our home within a few days. These stores are made possible by servers hosting the site and the complex network of routers and switches that lead from a home router all the way to a server. This immediately posed the issue of security. How can one be sure that their credit card information will be secure on the Internet? A new Internet protocol was created called Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure which basically layered HTTP on top of SSL/TLS protocol. Most websites that allow purchasing of goods show HTTPS usage in the URL bar. Searching for jobs has become much easier through companies hosting websites and allowing users to apply for jobs remotely. This has greatly sped up the employment process and is also allowed for the company to communicate and/or provide feedback on the application to the applicant much faster and easier. Organization of documents as much cleaner with the automation of the application process which has allowed employers to narrow down applicants to what they are really looking for before they even step in the office. Unfortunately, this has dehumanized applying for a job and made it harder for people to interact with others upon meeting. The ability for defense networks and companies to use satellites for communication and GPS position tracking has greatly increased the speed at which they can gather information and apply it to their job. Satellites have also been a huge help to the commencement of the Internet by allowing international communication and trade. The computer has greatly impacted society in more ways than one; advancing communication over large networks, proving how we store data, and organizing and accelerating processes that were normally done on paper. The world will be forever reliant on computers to operate and communicate as well as run most things that work off of electricity.
Works Cited
Ceruzzi, Paul E. Computing: A Concise History. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2012. Print.
"The History of Computers - Computer History Timeline." The History of Computers - Computer History Timeline. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 June 2013. "Intel 4004." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 06 May 2013. Web. 09 June 2013. "Microprocessor." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 06 June 2013. Web. 09 June 2013.
* Evolution of Computers
First Microprocessors
Changes in Computers
Command Line
Microsoft Windows
Development of General Life
Speed of Communication
Change of Planning
Job Creation
Job Development
Cited: Ceruzzi, Paul E. Computing: A Concise History. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2012. Print.