Is technology negatively affecting our society? There are many reasons it helps us positively, but is outnumbered by the reasons it hurts us. We need to find a way to fix this problem of ours that has hurt us in so many ways. One of the biggest ways that technology negatively affects society is making our society more obese and overweight. How? With technology taking over our lives people are being way less active and not getting the right amount of exercise or physical activity needed. We are so attached to our devices that we refuse to get off them to exercise or even do any physical activity. Back then all the children had for killing time was to go outside and do something productive. It shows …show more content…
Computers and phones are preventing students from getting the right amount of studying time they need in order to pass the test, quiz etc. More and more people have tried to study, but end up being sidetracked and end up doing things on their phones. One teacher said that she has seen a decline in writing skills over the past thirteen years due to technology taking over (When Children Text All Day). Spelling is another big thing that has decreased in the past five years. People not just children and young adults are relying on technology to do all the work for them. Like spellcheck, it may do wonders, but it is hurting us in so many ways. It may help them when texting their friends, or using social media, but when it comes to tests and writing in school. Teachers are saying more and more people are spelling things incorrectly. Studies show that 68% of teachers say it leads students into taking shortcuts in their writing(The Good, The Bad, The Ugly). As you can see, it can hurt us in many ways, but it has also made communicating and learning so much easier. With the advancements in the science department, phones, tablets, it has made getting things out very easy, rather than having to tell everyone personally. Like if you needed some information to reach a large group all you would have to do is post it on social media and many would be able to see