Final Submission
Impact of globalization on electronic advertisements
Submission date:
June 20, 2013
Q. Qualitative analysis of advertising how globalization has impacted electronic advertising. Pick two local and one international advertising campaign to prove your case.
The impact of globalization on electronic advertising:
Global corporations depend on public relations, marketing and advertising to extend their reach and to encourage their growth and profitability by promoting their goods and services in emerging countries. To achieve these goals, critics allege transnational corporations rely on advertising to create artificial tastes, artificial consumption habits and a market for their mass produced goods and services1.
That reliance could be attributed to the fact that capitalistic values view advertising as an instrument of industrial growth, mass production and modernization2. However, cultural studies on the role of advertising in socioeconomic—and cultural—development have produced three schools of thought. The first, known as “advocates of advertising,” claims that advertising is a useful tool for promoting national development.
This school contends that advertising can be used to promote national development programs through public service and commercial campaigns3. This concept, known as social marketing, is a variation of traditional commercial advertising4. In Pakistan and developing countries, public service campaigns are used to address social issues such as polio and law and order, the spread of AIDS, family planning and poverty alleviation programs5. It should be noted that governments, not local or transnational corporations, sponsor the bulk of public service campaigns.
Advocates of advertising as a tool for national development credit advertising with educating the public about goods and services available in the marketplace. Advertising, they claim, makes