Today, company’s real value lies outside the business itself, in the minds of potential buyers (Kapferer, 1992, p. 9). This is reflected in the value of brands, which are the anchors of company’s value. Products are introduced, they live and disappear but brands endure (Kapferer, 1992, p. 17). The term ``brand’’ holds multiple meanings. According to John Murphy, founder of Inter brand (Ingham, 2003), a brand is not only an actual product, but also the unique property of a specific owner. Brands are increasingly considered to be the primary capital in many businesses (Ourusoff, 1993, p. 81). The phenomenon of brand and brand reputation became the centre of interest of both academic and business experts. The main issues are how a company can build, nurture and use a brand in order to obtain and sustain the competitive advantage in the marketplace.
With an increase in global competition, branding has become a source of competitive advantage. In the rapidly evolving market for consumer, and industrial products and services, the source of next generation competency will be branding. In its branding strategy, a company has a number of different options for branding. These can be divided into four different categories corporate brands, individual brand names or product brand, companies, product brands and manufacturer’s name and reputation (Melewar and Walker, 2003, p.161).
A consumer during his lifetime undergoes a series of ever changing circumstances and situations. As a result his brand preference shifts with his changing needs. The brand attributes or features must fit to consumers’ need to maintain an ongoing permanent relationship with the brand. The consumers need to have a trust in their preferred brands for continued offering of the desired benefits. According to Browne (1998), if companies fail to ensure a trustworthy, stable brand reputation, the brand’s growth and market share will be affected.
Thus a brand reputation is the