Ruchi Sachdev
College of Management Studies Kanpur (UP) India
Abstract-This paper is focused to find out the answer whether
the social networking sites are boon or bane for today’s society.No doubt these SNS provides employment ,marketing ,personal growth ,sharing of information but the most prevalent danger through often involves online predators or individuals. These SNS has great impact on youth of India. One can easily see the entry gate of these social networking sites but it is unable to find exit for these SNS. One side these sites provide to communicate with our dear ones on the other side it creates platform for many cyber crimes. Everyone should be understood that The SNS is a “child of” computing “by computing” but” for the society “. So we focused on the fact that how SNS are implementing and used in an effective manner that is also beneficial for Indian society and what are the role of Indian youth .In this paper we focused on the positive as well as negative impact of these social networking sites on the Indian youth and what are the ethical responsibilities of the users of these sites. Keywords-IEEE standards ,internet,WI-FI, elecommunication, , online ownership, online credibility. SNS(Social networking sites)
are connected, both in their leisure time, and at work. There are various factors which have prompted us to consider the implications of these technologies for policy-making. One of these is the willingness of users to embrace SNS as a means of communication and social networking in everyday life. The increasing dependence on technology for basic communication also highlights the importance of analyzing how SNS are affecting daily processes. Sites like Face book, Friend ster and LinkedIn are influencing the way users establish, maintain and cultivate a range of social relationships, from close friendships to casual acquaintances.
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