The Marxist ideology states that a society going through industrialization is the only thing that will cause a revolutionary change. Stalin believed in this ideology and proposed a 5-year plan in order to achieve rapid industrialization. They involved state intervention in the economy and great expansion of industry by using collectivization as their main method. The Communist Party was committed to the transformation of the USSR and achieved many of the things they wanted to, however there were also problems regarding the 5-year plans.
One of the 5-year plans major achievements was employing enthusiastic citizens who were eager to work and make money. Due to so many people wanting to work, industrial production rates grew tremendously. The Stakhanovite movement allowed workers to speak their mind and express their views regarding working conditions. Because they were free to express their thoughts and feelings they defended and supported the political regime. This of course was a major benefit to the government because they had support of the majority, which were the peasants who became workers. The number of workers doubled between 1928 and 1932.
Besides thousands of enthusiastic citizens wanting to work, thousands of huge power stations, factories and metalworking complexes were built during the 5-year plan. Existing industries were expanding rapidly and new ones such as the production of machine tools; aircraft and synthetic rubber were being introduced. Furthermore, thousands of miles of railways and canals were built. In other words, the infrastructure also improved tremendously due to the soaring production figures.
Another major highlight of the 5-year plans was establishing industries in unindustrialized areas, such as West-Byelorussia, Siberia and Far East of Buriat-Mongolia. Because of this, the Soviet were able to defeat