With the promoting of the concept of sustainable development and ecological design, developing ecological community has become an important policy goal in Taiwan. However, how should the concept of ecological communities be promoted to the potential homebuyer’s remains an unanswered research question? This paper explores a marketing approach for promoting the concept of ecological communities. Through an examination of the pilot ecological community project in Tainan Salun High Speed Rail Station of Taiwan, this study identifies the core values, target markets, and the demand of services of ecological communities. By incorporating research methods involving interviews, field survey, STP analysis, and a questionnaire survey, this study finds that the demand of the facilities and services of ecological communities is related to the household income and the values of ecological communities perceived by homebuyers. Based on the results of the empirical studies, this study develops a set of marketing strategies for promoting the development of ecological communities.
Keywords: ecological communities, place marketing, marketing strategies, eco-village, ecological living
The concept of ecological community has received widespread attention in Taiwan in the past decade. This concept outlines a vision for building a living environment that integrates the considerations of ecological integrality, economic efficiency, and social equity. However, since the concept of ecological community has proposed a new type of community development and lifestyle that is different from the current housing market products, how this concept can be efficiently implemented in current community planning and real estate practices in Taiwan has become a critical issue. Employing research methods involves
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