thought of as unworthy and subhuman. These ideas during this time sprouted from Adolf Hitler, who was the leader of the Nazi Party that controlled Germany’s government. Hitler blamed Jews for Germany’s loss in World War I, and wanted them to be punished so Germany would be “purified” by removing people that did not fit the ideal German standards. This hateful ideas spread throughout Germany during the time of World War II, and that is how the unfair treatment of Jews began. Although globalization has been proven to unify the thoughts and ideals of countries around the world, these ideals have led to disastrous outcomes as seen from worldwide Jewish treatment and punishments during World War II. The ideas and treatment of Jewish people during World War II spread from Germany to several countries involved in the war, which increased the death rates and tension between opposing countries during World War II.
Through the impacts of globalization, Jewish resentment and hatred spread to countries including Slovakia, Ukraine, Croatia, and the Baltic republics. People accepted the Germans primarily because of their situation in the war. In fact, “Especially in the Ukraine and Baltic republics, large segments of the population at first welcomed the Germans as liberators from Soviet Rule, and supported the annihilation policy followed against the Jews.” (World War II 8) It is unanswered whether these smaller countries truly believed in the Nazi beliefs and treatment of Jewish people, or if the intimidation of Germany’s power overcame any attempt of disagreement with Germany. In addition to liberation by German forces, many other factors affected these nations to act in harmony with Nazi beliefs. In fact, “Clerical and traditional Jew-hated, economic jealousy, social protest, and nationalist resentment all help to explain the powerful current of indifference and the absence of any appreciable reaction when Hitler embarked on the ‘final solution’ of the Jewish Question in Eastern Europe.” (Anti-Semitism 6) Several countries acted in accordance with Germany by torturing Jews, and even setting up concentration camps of their own. Germany’s ideas and actions were spread …show more content…
throughout the world because the effect of globalization. The unfair torture that so many people endured around the world proved the dangerous consequences that can spread from just one person. In contrast to the horrible and far-spread treatment of Jews during World War II, the continuation of these ideas lead to powerful nations like the United States to fight against these ideas and put a stop to them.
The knowledge of what was happening around the world reached to enough righteous nations that fought to end these cruel punishments. This proved to show the benefit of globalization in certain situations, even though it can only seen as a positive effect in addition to all the negative impacts spread around the world. It was specifically documented that, “As a result of German wartime policies, resistance movements sprang up throughout Europe.” (World War II 9) Not only did nations surrounding Germany prepare to resist their ideas and actions, but so did countries from around the globe. Specifically, “On December 17, the United States, Great Britain, and ten other Allied governments issued a declaration denouncing Nazi Germany's atrocities and warning that perpetrators of such crimes would be held responsible for their actions.” (The United States and the Holocaust 1) It was so important that these Allied governments joined together to put a stop to Germany and their supporters. These actions taken on ended up defeating Germany and the Axis Powers. Globalization allowed for knowledge to be spread to where it was needed, so these countries were able to stand up for what is right and put an end to the cruel punishments of the
Holocaust. Through the worldwide Jewish treatment and punishments towards Jews during World War II, it can be seen that globalization has led to cause more harm than good. The ideas that originated from Germany were able to spread to all parts of the world, which intimately led to the downfall of the Holocaust. This important time in history is important for people today to remember and learn from. It is so much easier to spread knowledge and ideas to all parts of the world, especially with today’s use of social media and technology. It is important that people remember to only share positive and helpful information, because it will make the world a better place. It is crucial to learn from the mistakes of the past and never be so hateful and targeting towards a specific group of people ever again. The effects of globalization are found everywhere in the world today, and it proves that just one person has the capability to change the world.