The British Empire is a strong nation, even now hundreds of years after it rose to power. However, that power came with a cost. A cost not readily visible to the British nation. The Empire was focused on growth and dominating the spheres of influence all across europe but they neglected the status of the indigenous people. While the British thought they were doing the neighboring nations a favor all they ended up accomplishing was ruing native cultures, devastating the land in search of resources, and making enemies.
Britain was a strong proponent in the trade ecosystem of Europe however, they always seemed to take advantage of their trade partners. Britain had large stakes in the trade environment in Europe which included India. If a graph of India’s GDP is matched up with British GDP it is clearly visible that there is a large gap between the two, Britain has almost 10 times the GDP of India. That disconnect is startling when you realize that India is the one supplying Britain with a large portion of their raw materials that they are turning into good and selling directly back to its colonies like the ones in India. This is just one case of the imperial greed of the English Empire. …show more content…
As visible in the illustration all of the octopus’ arms are outstretched and reaching towards other nations. This is pretty clearly symbolising the reach of the English Imperial Empire, and their spheres of influence. In the depiction of the “Imperial Octopus” almost all of the European nations have a hand touching them, this is showing the observer that the English Empire is almost exclusively controlling the totality of Europe and it is still reaching out for the nations it is not touching such as