Global History 10 Per. 1
Throughout history, countless countries have wanted to be on top. Whether culturally superior, or monetarily superior, or even having an extensive empire, every country wants most or all of these in their arsenal of advantages. Countries who strive to be the cream of the crop tend to turn towards imperialism. Imperialism, being the domination of cultural, economic, or political life of another country, is a very attractive course to take for the forming imperialist power. While some may argue that the controlling power could aid the development and prosperity of both the controlled country and itself, it may, in some cases, be detrimental to the controlled country. Many European powers and Japan during the late 1800s to the early 1900s became imperialistic nations to seize control of developing African Nations, India, and Asian countries and territories, and not all of these nations were agreeable about foreign control. In Great Britain, Joseph Chamberlain felt that colonizing Africa and maintaining India would be a symbiotic relationship. He says that the relationships they will have with their colonies will open up commerce and trade and increase more demand for products from both countries and that India may be one of their most valuable trade partners (Doc 1). Frederick D. Lugard believed that Africa specifically would benefit from British rule, since they are eager to advance their agricultural techniques and tools, irrigation, and blacksmithing. This would bring the Africans a more civilized and advanced society so they could become fruitful trading partners (Doc 2). He also admitted to the fact that in the beginning, Britain had their own personal gain in mind, but now, they would change that. They had added transportation, ended slave trade and tribal warfare, and got rid of many diseases with medical advancements (Doc. 3) . Along with all of these advancements Lugard stated, British