The 73rd & 74thConstitutional Amendment 16 has been made to many weakness.It has certainfeatures which arebinding on the state legislature where they can go to discretion :
1.ConstitutionalStatus to Panchayati Raj Institutions.
II. Reservation of Seats for Weaker Section of Society.
III. Direct Election of Panchayati Raj, every five years at all levels.
IV.Finance Commission to be set up by State Government to devolve funds and suggest ways of financing
Panchayati Raj Institutions.
V.Election Commission at State Level to Conduct Panchayati Raj Elections.
All these elected bodies have now, been in position for more than five years.It is thus, important to verify whetherthe aims and objectives of the Constitutional amendmentandthe aspirations generated by it have beenmet and if so, to what extent.Various discussions, debates, conferences are being organized to see and many issues are debated for new experience.Main burning issuesis to :17
1.Devolution of finances to PRI's bodies.
II.Exercise of Power and responsibility by Panchayati Raj Institution.
III.What has been the impact of the reservations especially for woman and to what extant this has helped the
weaker section of society.
IV.Whether the PRI's in the new set up have improved their positionregarding devolution of powers and
financial resources in view of setting up State Financeand Election Commissions.
V.What sort of training and orientation 18 would be required for thenewly elected Panchayati Raj bodies.
In a net-shell the 73rd Amendment had aroused a lot of expectations and it is to beexpected that it would usherPanchayati Raj Institutionsina new and dynamic