ACC :Assistant Commissioner of Custom
ACU :Asian Clearing Union
AEZ :Agri Export Zone
ANF :Aayaat Niryaat Form
ARO :Advance Release Order
BG :Bank Guarantee
BOA :Board of Approval
BOT :Board of Trade
BRC :Bank Realization Certificate
BTP :Bio Technology Park
CBEC :Central Board of Excise and Custom
CCP :Custom Clearance Permit
CEA :Central Excise Authority
CEC :Chartered Engineer Certificate
CIF :Cost Insurance & Freight
COD :Cash on Delivery
CoO :Certificate of Origin
CVD :Countervailing Duty
DA :Document against Acceptance
DoBT :Department of Bio Technology
DC :Development Commissioner
DEPB :Duty Entitlement Pass Book Scheme
DFRC :Duty Free Replenishment Certificate
DGFT :Director General of Foreign Trade
DoC :Department of Commerce
DoE :Department of Electronics
DoIT :Department of Information Technology
DoR :Department of Revenue
DoT :Department of Tourism
DTA :Domestic Tariff Area
EDI :Electronic Data Interchange
EFT :Electronic Fund Transfer
EH :Export House
EHIP :Electronic Hardware Technology Park
EIC :Export Inspection Council
EO :Export Obligation
EOU :Export Oriented Unit
EPC :Export Promotion Council
EPCG :Export Promotion Capital Goods
FDI :Foreign Direct Investment
FIEO :Federation of Indian Export Organisation
FIRC :Foreign Exchange Inward Remittance Certificate
FOB :Free of Board
FT :Foreign Trade
FTP :Foreign Trade Policy
GATS :General Agreement on Trade in Services
ICD :Inland Container Depot
IEC :Import Export Code
ITC(HS) :Indian Trade Classification (Harmonised System) Classification for Export & Import Items
MDA :Market Development Assistance
MoD :Ministry of Defence
MoF :Ministry of Finance
NOC :No objection Certificate
PRC :Policy Relaxation Certificate
R&D :Research and Development
RA :Regional Authority
RBI :Reserve Bank of India