The next important one would be "Promote general welfare" which means promote health, morality, and safety. Health as in have lots of ways to prevent sickness, or get over sickness. Morality as in keeping the country's morals. Living by them and respecting them. Even if one doesn't agree with them, they should still respect them. …show more content…
Even if they don't necessarily give it to the people, at least make it so that the people can get it themselves. What's a household without defense mechanisms.
Going on to the less important (But still important) ideas, the first one is "Establish justice" which means make things right. Always show justice. In court there must be justice. In normal everyday life there should be justice.
The next one would be "Insure domestic tranquility" which would be keeping peace and order. This country should be peaceful to each other. We're all a big family if you think about it. Order would be just keep how we go. What we do is what we do, like it or not.
The last one would be "Secure the blessing of Liberty" which means express popular