Education is a continuous process and it aims at the total development of the individual. The process begins with the home and progresses through school. If parents and teachers work in harmony. The mind of the child blossoms. His good and useful powers are developed in an agreeable way and his evil and useless propensities are checked. As he moves up in the scale of time and receptivity, he begins to understand the full meaning and purpose of a liberal education.
One of the main essentials of education is to provide the individual with the capacity for logical objective thinking. Without this skill it is difficult to conceive of any one's acquiring and continually expanding the knowledge which is considered indispensable to an educated man. According to Albert Einstein, "The development of general ability for independent thinking and judgement should always be placed foremost, not the acquisition of special knowledge, " An educational system which is in proactive bookish and remote from life will evidently be lopsided and serve no genuine purpose. "In the conditions of modern life the rule