Following directions is one of the most basic and fundamental skills necessary to maintain order in today’s society. From the most basic “No!” to a little child to “Don’t drink and drive,” following directions can save a life and maintain safety, create efficiency in the home, the workplace and at school, and keep basic order to avoid chaos and disarray.
“Following directions is an important skill to learn in life. Not only does it prepare you for the unpredictable, but you have a better sense of the task at hand. If you stray away from the instructions given, you may suffer the consequences of an accident or injury. Don’t put yourself or your employees at risk of a serious mishap. Instead, make directions clear and allow for questions to be asked for clarification.
Making sure your workers are paying attention and listening to the instructions you give is crucial to their safety. Advise them to always take careful steps, know what they are supposed to do, and understand what is best in dangerous situations. Without directions to follow, your [organization] would be in chaos.”
“Paying attention, following instructions, and listening are some of the most important skills we