Leonardo Negron
University of Phoenix
Author Note
“Computers are stupid. They can only do three things: add two numbers, compare two numbers and REMEMBER” –Philip Mumford, High School Computer teacher
Computers have been around since the dawn of mankind in the form of our brains. In the past few hundred years we have been creating computers to help us handle our increasing demands for automation tasks. From simple computers that can do one thing to complex interconnected systems that can do so much they are able to truly multitask. This multitasking requires proper memory management and for that we have software called an Operating System, whose job is to manage the environment in which automated tasks will be conducted.
Keywords: operating systems, memory, random access memory, memory management
Importance of Memory Management in Operating Systems
The Operating System (OS) is a complex program designed to provide functionality and boundaries for programs that will perform tasks. Their job is to do many things from schedule, to protection to allocation. Overall the OS is a form of general manager that enhances the productivity of the programs meant to run in it. Although not all computers need an operating system, complex computers will need some form of memory management agent. Handling memory is a key part of this process and thus a very important part of the overall goal of whatever program runs on it.
Managing Memory
When building an OS a designer has to be able to perform several steps before, during and after. First there must be a discovery phase. The OS must know what hardware it is dealing with. With this knowledge it can move to allocate the area it will use for its own processes and thus protect it from accidentally being used by other non-operation processes. Once it knows this it is ready to run programs. In a way the same rules apply. The program will ask for
References: Stallings, W. (2012). Operating systems, Internals and design principles (7th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Silberschatz, A., Galvin, P. B., & Gagne, G. (2013). Operating System Concepts Essentials (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons,