
Importance of Play for Children Aged Between 4 and 6

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Importance of Play for Children Aged Between 4 and 6
The importance of play for children between 4 and 6

Written by Tessa Batchelor
Submitted to New Zealand College of Early Childhood Education

This Booklet outlines the importance of the play curriculum and learning for children aged between 4 and 6 years.
Creative, imaginative and physical play will be focused on as well as the adults’ role in the promotion of play and the importance of a positive environment for play and learning. Included in this will be examples of play opportunities that link to Te Whāriki and explain intended learning outcomes.
The information within this booklet is intended to be a resource for early childhood professionals.

How Creative Play Can Promote Learning:

Creative play can promote learning in several ways. Three ways this booklet will focus on are cognitive development, fine motor skills and social development.

Cognitive skills between the ages of four and six can be developed through creative play. It is stated in Beaver, Brewster, Jones, Keene, Neaum and Tallack (2001), that creative play involves children developing individual ideas in ways that are not immediately apparent. It is valuable for children to engage in problem solving, resulting in the ability to take responsibility for their own learning (Smith, 1998). Concentration can be developed by children engaging in creative play due to extended periods of focus on their chosen task. By the age of six children have gained the ability to concentrate on a task without having their attention diverted from ten minutes to longer periods of time. During a creative play activity children will often portray one object as another, which cultivates the use of their imagination (Beaver, et al, 2001).

Beaver, Brewster, Jones, Keene, Neaum and Tallack (2001) details how creative play can promote learning in children by encouraging the use of fine motor skills. Fine motor skills include small finger movements, manipulative skills and hand eye co ordination

References: Arthur, L., Beecher, B., Death, E., Dockett, S., Farmer, S. (2007). Programming & planning in early childhood settings. 4th Edition. Victoria, Australia: Cengage Learning Australia. Beaver, M., Brewster, J., Jones, P., Keene, A., Neaum, S., & Tallack, J. (2001). Babies and Young Children: Diploma in Childcare and Education. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes. Ministry of Education. (1996). Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātaturanga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa: Early Childhood curriculum. Wellington, New Zealand: Learning Media. Penrose, P. (1998) Take Another Look: A guide to observing children. Auckland, New Zealand: New Zealand Playcentre Federation. Santrock, J.W. (2007) Child Development (11th Ed.). New York, USA: McGraw Hill. Smith. A. (1998) Understanding Children’s Development (4th Ed.). Wellington, New Zealand: Bridget Williams Books. Somerset, G. (2000) Work and Play. Auckland: New Zealand Playcentre Federation Beaver, M., Brewster, J., Green, S., Neaum, S., Sheppard, H., Tallack, J., & Walker, M. (2008). Cache Level 3 Child Care and Education. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. (2011). The Benefits of Physical Activity in Childhood. Retrieved from

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