In the life of an infant there are many important for the healthy development and learning, however there are many variations on how to learn and develop, by the influence exercised in the future environment. Among all variations which may be mentioned one of utmost importance is the game for all the benefits that entails. Play is where the child occupies most of their time, encouragement and the acquisition of a full development in areas that would not be achieved otherwise. Supplementing play time to the early years of the child is of paramount importance, because this way they create emotional ties to the person who accompanies him on his playing time. The development of both cognitive and psychomotor also is achieved with the help of the game. Most of the game has as main focus to educate, is a method used as therapy for children 's learning.
Play helps a child not only to entertain also a way to communicate, according to a recent report (2011) is the natural way they have to communicate. Experiencing the environment will give them the ability to develop imagination, reality reflect and change his game. The importance of play in the lives of children in the first months, where everything is at your fingertips in a toy including his own body, his hands and feet. The game is to educate the child from his first moves; early education positively reinforces the child 's development. The child is born with the need to learn everything during their life cycle, because they only know how to eat and mourn. The babies need to play is constant, however the games for baby stimulation should be used with caution always thinking age. The game is directly tied to the limitations of the baby, example would be when he considers the baby babbling and playing with bubbles of saliva while moving his limbs, has cognitive as well as psychomotor limitations. The development will be giving as time passes, because anger having more
References: (2011) (2009) Powell, Sharon