Nicknamed the lost king, Al Qas was up most inspired by wandering through the arabian deserts. His beautiful descriptions and graceful style grabbed the attention of many. soon after the Asab rebelled against their own king and killed his father. Furthurmore after discovering the death of his father Al Was went out to seek revenge. Unsatified with his win, Imru Al Was went out to seek more help from North arabian Emperor Justinian I ("Biography of Imru al-Qays", 2006, para.1) Legend has it that Emerpor poisoned Al Qas to death after he discover his scandalous love affair with a princess in the Emperors kingdom.
In addition Imru al Qays is not only respected as a great poet but also as the inventor of classic arabic poetry also known as Qasidah (as mentioned above). A famous verse from his Muallaqat poem "Halt, you two companions, and let us weep for the memory of a beloved abode mid the sand dunes between Al-Dakhul and Hawmal". According to "Imru' al-Qays" (2014, para 3) This is where he discusses weeping over what is left of the campgrounds of his loves tribe. The poet