The spatial setting is a bar in Secaucus, New Jersey. Where high class men go to anonymously enjoy, the prostitutes provided by the bar. Be that the temporal setting is set in the 30s or 40s the act of prostitution was hidden and not talked about. Although the men of this time obviously took very good care of the girls provided in line 18 “I would drink bottle beer at the Drake, never, And dine at the Astor on Salisbury steak” (Kennedy 18). Even if this is an example of hyperbole it is still a high class life for a prostitute. Her advice at the end of the poem “‘Let you hold in mind, girls, that your beauty must pass Like a lovely white clover that rusts with its grass” (Kennedy 32). This line was defiantly written for the century it is in. 2017 is all about women empowerment, but in the 1930s woman were nothing but arm candy who’s only job was the look
The spatial setting is a bar in Secaucus, New Jersey. Where high class men go to anonymously enjoy, the prostitutes provided by the bar. Be that the temporal setting is set in the 30s or 40s the act of prostitution was hidden and not talked about. Although the men of this time obviously took very good care of the girls provided in line 18 “I would drink bottle beer at the Drake, never, And dine at the Astor on Salisbury steak” (Kennedy 18). Even if this is an example of hyperbole it is still a high class life for a prostitute. Her advice at the end of the poem “‘Let you hold in mind, girls, that your beauty must pass Like a lovely white clover that rusts with its grass” (Kennedy 32). This line was defiantly written for the century it is in. 2017 is all about women empowerment, but in the 1930s woman were nothing but arm candy who’s only job was the look