Throughout the novel, Capote tells the story of how the investigation begins and thoroughly continues including the effect it begins to have on the investigators and the community’s life. But he sidetracks and mentions what Perry and Dick are doing at the same moment. Capote’s usage of this device connects two distinct worlds at once, the one of Perry’s mind with his constant recall of the murder, and that of Dewey the close friend and top investigator of the case. Through the texts the readers become exposed to Perry’s unstable childhood and life that has led him to become a murderer. Capote focuses on small details of the trail, as evident when he mentions that four members of the jury had been acquainted with Mr. Clutter. A middle-aged man N.L Dunnan when asked his opinion of capital punishment replied, “Ordinarily I’m against it. But in this case, no”. (Capote 273) Despite this prejudicial comment, he still had a seat as a juror. Dewey, one of the men who led the men to be hanged fell into awe when he noticed the execution room lacked suitable dignity. Capote’s novel makes an implicit argument against capital punishment through foreshadowing, framing devices and usage of real documents. He mentions the unjust trial Perry and Dick had as a result of hesitant attorneys and a jury that had made their decision of capital punishment before the trail even
Throughout the novel, Capote tells the story of how the investigation begins and thoroughly continues including the effect it begins to have on the investigators and the community’s life. But he sidetracks and mentions what Perry and Dick are doing at the same moment. Capote’s usage of this device connects two distinct worlds at once, the one of Perry’s mind with his constant recall of the murder, and that of Dewey the close friend and top investigator of the case. Through the texts the readers become exposed to Perry’s unstable childhood and life that has led him to become a murderer. Capote focuses on small details of the trail, as evident when he mentions that four members of the jury had been acquainted with Mr. Clutter. A middle-aged man N.L Dunnan when asked his opinion of capital punishment replied, “Ordinarily I’m against it. But in this case, no”. (Capote 273) Despite this prejudicial comment, he still had a seat as a juror. Dewey, one of the men who led the men to be hanged fell into awe when he noticed the execution room lacked suitable dignity. Capote’s novel makes an implicit argument against capital punishment through foreshadowing, framing devices and usage of real documents. He mentions the unjust trial Perry and Dick had as a result of hesitant attorneys and a jury that had made their decision of capital punishment before the trail even