
In What Ways Is Ruby's Experience Influenced By Ageist Attitudes?

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In What Ways Is Ruby's Experience Influenced By Ageist Attitudes?
How is Ruby’s experience influenced by ageist behaviors?
“looking for someone with a fresher perspective” I feel as if this shows an example of ageist behavior because its based strictly on stereotype. With that being said, they think just because she is older she may not be up to par on her knowledge in the field. People have the impression that older individuals lose their mind and memory when older adults hit a certain age. Don’t get me wrong some do but NOT ALL do and that’s something people need to keep an open mind about. Also, the quote “do you think you could keep up with this type of work and all the necessary paperwork” lead me to believe that they thought that because she is older she would do the tasks at a slower pace, which is also a characteristic in ageist behavior.

2 . How is Ruby’s experience influenced by her gender? The quote “she has had one offer, but was offered nearly 10,000 dollars less than she was making before and much less than she knows is common in the field with her years of experience.” Identifies the low pay because she is a woman, despite her qualifications. The place Ruby is offered a job is not giving her a fair chance.

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How is Ruby’s experience influenced by ableist views? “we are not comfortable with the gap in your work history” I Saw this quote as being influenced by ableist view. It seemed to me as if because she was out of work for a period of time due to health conditions they did not want to consider her despite her experience in the field. Ruby did not have a leave of absence for no reason she took a leave for medical reasons and the place she is interviewing with needs to understand that and give her a fair chance like they would any other candidate. Also, they may have to impression that since she took a leave of absence she will not be able to work due to her medical

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