An Argument Analysis of “In With the School Uniforms” Around “18.8% of public schools and 57% of private schools in the United States” require their students to wear uniforms, but why (School Uniform 2024)? Are there true benefits to these policies? Should all schools implement school uniform policies? Many people, especially students, believe that too strict of a dress code infringes on the rights of young Americans. Furthermore, some argue that having the freedom to express yourself on a day-to-day basis is important to a developing mind, but Megan Walsh disagreed. In her essay “In With the School Uniforms” …show more content…
This established some of the support that the author previously tried to build, leaving the end of this paragraph supported. Nevertheless, Walsh provided a great quantity of valid and sound support for her first premise regarding school uniforms impeding the creation of gangs. The author wrote four paragraphs detailing the benefits of school uniforms in this issue. For example, she even included a study from an actual school that documented “a decrease in gang prevalence and school violence” through the introduction of school uniforms (Walsh, 2015, para. 1). 4, as cited in “School Uniforms as an Anti-Gang Tactic”. The author’s use of logos allows for the premise to be fully supported since there are real people confirming that school uniforms work to help combat the gang and violence issues. This type of support builds a strong argument for the author since it shows her dedication to the topic through her research and multiple real-life examples. However, the author’s last premise was not sound or objective, but she still tried to support it. Walsh argued that school uniforms eliminate distractions in the school environment. The entire paragraph does not contain any actual evidence, but the author addressed