Title of the Term Project:
Incident Detection Systems: A Review of the Algorithms
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1
Background of the Incident Detection Systems 2
Significance of the Research in Incident Management Systems 3
Literature Review 4
Desirable Properties of Incident Detection Algorithms 8
The Benchmark Algorithm 9
The Fuzzy Logic Based Algorithm 10
Future Research Area 15
References 15
Background of the Incident Detection Systems
Statistics indicated that the UAE looses about AED 5 billion a year to road congestions [1]. The UAE police reports [2 and 3] reveal that the total number of traffic accidents was 10135 in 2008, compared with 8828 in 2007, and 8843 in 2006. The increase in the number of traffic accidents is approximately 15% between the years 2007 and 2008, and 4% between the years 2006 and 2007. Studies in US and France showed that the probability of death in a car accident increases by a factor of 7 when the time taken for assistance to arrive exceeds 20 minutes [4]. Also, first response has become a common component of Emergency Medical Services [5]. Virtually, all algorithms developed to date to recognize the incidents have two major limitations: high false-alarm rates and threshold calibration requirements. Empirically threshold values once exceeded by the measured traffic quantities, the occurrence of an incident are indicated. The false-alarm rates and detection rates clearly depend on the choice of threshold values.
With the statistics and their implications in terms of the economical, social and psychological losses, the UAE authorities have initiated a nationwide effort to establish a strategic traffic safety plan. Amongst the objectives of this plan is the utilization of the advanced technology in developing the activities and plans for traffic operations, education, engineering, and
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