Review of Literature
In 1986 Madeline Will, Assistant Secretary in the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, introduced the Regular Education Initiative. (Dybvik, 2001) This initiative led to the inclusion of special education students in regular education classrooms. The Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and its amendments make it clear that students with disabilities will be educated in mainstream or inclusion classrooms. Inclusion can be defined as providing specially designed instruction with classroom supports for students with special needs in the regular classroom setting. All schools across the country are now using the inclusion model. There are many challenges facing the regular education teacher in an inclusion classroom. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the challenges presented in creating an effective inclusion program on a middle school campus.
The Attitude of School Personnel towards Inclusion Research shows that the attitude of the school personnel towards the inclusion model is directly related to the effectiveness of the program. Through various surveys of regular education teachers, it has been found that most of these …show more content…
648). Many times, especially in secondary education, the regular education teacher is the content teacher and the special education teacher is viewed as more of an aide in the classroom. Hines (2008) found that the general educator has more knowledge and experience in their content area, whereas the special education teacher has specialized skills in learning styles and behavior modification to allow the students to succeed. These two individual characteristics must combine to make an inclusive classroom successful. When these characteristics combine the co-teachers can handle anything, including behavior