Topic Page No.
1) Introduction 1
2) Types of Director 1
3) What is an Independent Director 2
4) Role of an Independent Director 3
5) References 5
All companies must have officers. A private limited company must have at least two director and a company secretary and a public limited company must have at least three directors and a company secretary.
The director, or directors, must manage the company 's affairs in accordance with its articles of association and the law. Certain responsibilities apply to all directors, whether executive or non-executive, and to all types of company whether trading or not. The company secretary is the chief administrator of the company. Read more about company secretaries.
There are two broad types of company director: * Executive director * Non-executive director
Executive Directors (Chief Executive Officers)
The chief executive officer has the overall, primary management and leadership role in the organisation. Therefore, the CEO must have extensive knowledge and skills in a wide variety of areas.
There is no standard list of the major responsibilities carried out by a chief executive officer, however the list below outlines the most common. * Board Administration and Support
Supports board members by advising and informing, going between board members and staff, and supporting the board 's evaluation of chief executive. * Program, Product and Service Delivery
Oversees design, marketing, promotion, delivery and quality of
References: The Companies Act, 1956 do not specifically gives the definition of the Independent Director. However clause 49 of the Listing Agreement gives the definition.