see the world with my eyes…
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INDIAN CULTURE The culture of India is one of the oldest and unique. In India, there is amazing cultural diversity throughout the country. The South, North, and Northeast have their own distinct cultures and almost every state has carved out its own cultural niche. There is hardly any culture in the world that is as varied and unique as India. India is home to some of the most ancient civilizations Indian culture is rich and diverse and as a result unique in its very own way. Our manners, way of communicating with one another, etc are one of the important components of our culture. Western culture has affected almost every dimension of society. The core religious traditions are still the same but the life style differences can be found because of western culture. We can say that western has affected the core traditions of Indian society and changed life style and apparent characteristics of the society. Each and everything including clothing, fashion, food, media, and traditions has been affected by the advent of western culture. The youth prefers to wear western dresses rather than traditional Indian dresses. IMPACT OF INFORMATON AND GLOBALIZATION : Society has always been impacted by technology. Technology impacts how cities grow, where people live. Information and money flow more quickly than ever. Goods and services produced in one part of the world are increasingly available in all parts of the world. International travel is more frequent. International communication is commonplace. IMPACT OF PUB’S : Yes, now- a-day we see many people go to pubs and late night parties. Is not good many person’s got addicted to drugs even. But when we consider the pubs, it is the thing to be strictly punished. Pub culture corrupts the Indian youth, and then the government of India should ban 99 percent of the consumer items in the market. Most of the pubs
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in INDIA don’t check the age of their visitors and so teens below 18 years are allowed to get into such pubs and have liquor. This Pub Culture is definitely spoiling our Generation. Pubs are a bit more liberal places where, like in a restaurant, people mind their own business. Some people would drink there and some may not. If a boy and girl drink, dance and enjoy music together, it is not going to affect anybody’s life. Altercations can spring up in pubs. Inking youngsters visiting pubs to increased rates of accidents due to drunken driving, he said, “In India, 40 per cent of road accidents are alcohol-related”. But when we consider the pubs, it is the thing to be strictly punished. In pubs both men and women are in drastic stage, by taking drugs, it should be punished. And we need to felt sorry for that. And there r many things to be taken from the western culture. IMPACT OF DATING : Dating or courtship is a relationship between man and a woman who had no marriage. The activities such as going out together, taking a walk, dinner, etc to know each other better. Courtship is a relationship that endured for mutual fondness of each other and to explore the possibility for more serious relationship. In other words, going out is to reveal the expression of mutual love and know more in a person who will be a husband or wife later. Good but Additionally, another negative side of the dating is a possibility of sexual relationship. This usually is the reason many conservative parents forbade their children to date. And then, there are some problems of dating for fun without any intention for getting into more serious relationship. This makes the impression of a selfish relationship, not serious and lazy to find a solution when there are problems with dating. Thus easily decide a relationship within a short period without knowing the other party. IMPACT OF LIVING TOGETHER : “People can live together; get to know each other practically and sexually, before they get married. A living, it is commonly perceived as a free door lock for a good physical relationship with your partner, a door through which you can leave at any time. Well, not everything is about sex. There is more to stay with a person, understanding their needs and molding you agree with them. Like a marriage. A live-in couple to be together not only by sex, and if that were the case, they live in the couple has not been broken so often. It’s a statistical fact that divorce rates are higher in live in relationships, compared to marriages. After all, men and women, who have to live together happily together if they get married to or just be together? It may be that people live in relationships, do not require a marriage certificate to show their love for each other, as if the marriage certificate is a symbol of love. India a country of cultural values and ritual ceremonies cannot afford to plunge into western society. But since growing economy and people getting more and more aware, India finally has to step ahead and walk with the rest of the world by legalizing Live-in relationship. Yeah it sounds absurd that a country like India would allow its citizens to do that Students, living with their partners, have been approaching them with problems of an unwanted pregnancy. IMPACT OF PRE MARITAL SEX : Indian society, by and large, continues to frown upon both pre-marital sex and live-in relationships to an extent that those who indulge in either are even ostracized by society. In the West, where teenage pregnancies are common and where couples walk in and out of relationships with consummate ease and with hardly any passion or affection characterizing these relationships, such issues raise no social storms or hackles. While the Supreme Court’s opinion might not have the undesirable effect of more and more couples preferring live-in relationships rather than opting to wed, it is evident that it could embolden more young men and women as they would now be convinced that there is no breach of law in the live-in relationships. One can only hope that as mature adults such couples would weigh the pros and cons and take into account the impact of their decision on their parents and other kith and kin. Often, when this live-ins comes apart, they could scar either the man or woman for life. Pre-marital sex too is alien to our culture, though surveys often reveal that Indian teenagers are no whit behind their western counterparts when it comes to indulging in it. Awareness has to be created in these young minds that pre-marital sex could be extremely dangerous not just from the point of unwanted pregnancies but also from the fact that either partner could contact sexually transmitted diseases. The proliferation of the internet, chat rooms and reality TV is exercising a corrupting influence on school and college students, who reach the alarming conclusion that all this is no big deal and that pre-marital sex too is part of growing up. This, of course, is far from the truth and while it might be commonplace in other countries, it is in the interest of all that we continue to be old-fashioned and prude rather than be bold and brazen throwing caution to the winds, only to regret it all later. By then, it might just be too late to put the pieces back together. IMPACT OF EXPOSE DRESS CODE : Clothing for both men and women offers legitimacy to social distinctions. For women, fashion is regulated not only along lines of social distinction but also along lines of sexuality. Gradually therefore, clothes became a signifier of a woman’s moral virtue. Morality is construed almost entirely in terms of sexual morality, because clothes, through their proximity to the body, encode the game of modesty and sexual explicitness, denial and celebration of pleasure. While for men, clothes were mainly indicative of social status, for women the criteria were different. Clothing and fashion became a means of social control, legitimizing moral and social distinctions between and among women. Women of royal lineage had a different code of dress and fashion, even if, in some societies, they were denied the public space in which men functioned. In Mughal royal families and in high-caste Hindu families, women remained in purdah, meaning not only the item of clothing used to cover the body completely, but also the inner space of one’s residential premises, which clearly marked out the space beyond which women within the family were not allowed to move out of. How there is head and tail for a coin, there is both positive and negative impact of western culture on India and especially on Indian youth, In past in India men were our traditional dresses, but now it is entirely changed, now the Indian youth moving with jeans, t-shirts, minis, micros, etc., here we can proud of that western culture, it bringing us with the fast moving world. IMPACT OF DIVORCE : Acknowledging India’s respect for its culture and social ethics, one can guess that India enjoys a low divorce rate. But it is more surprising to know that the divorce rate in India ranks lowest among all the countries of the world. Statistics shows that only 1 out of 100 Indian marriages end up to a divorce which is quite low in comparison to America’s 50% of marriages turning into breakups. The rate of divorce in India was even low in the previous decade, where only 7.40 marriages out of 1,000 marriages were annulled. The divorce rate in Indian villages is even lower in caparison to urban India. Even though India still boasts of that nearly hundred percent of the marriages are a success, rapid urbanization and awareness of various rights are now instigating the divorce rate to shoot up. Empowerment of women has initiated the dissolution of marriage in urban areas as financially educated women are now open to the option of ending the relationship rather than to bear life long abuses silently. The campaigns on gender equality are now giving rise to ego clashes between the husband and wife, especially if the wife too is the bread earner of the family.
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Around 20 years back India had a negligible divorce rate of around 5%. But based on the increasing number of divorce being filed today, the divorce rate in India is expected to rise up at a faster rate by the ensuing year. Family is the most important primary group in society. Family and marriage are considered to be the two pillars of any society and as such they are the two most important societal institutions. In India, traditionally and from time immemorial, marriage has been hallowed as sacred; and marriage for most Indians is not merely a sacrament but is sacrosanct. Once the couple enters into the bond of marriage, the relationship is considered perpetual—till death does them apart. In other words, marriage used to be for life and it worked as a bulwark against social vulnerabilities. It had an inbuilt system of checks and balances, and roles and priorities were defined by the society for the couple. What distinguished marriage in India from marriage in the West was the sanctity attached to marriage: a sense of perpetual bonding and an element of divinity in it. Feed back u r valuable suggestion Thanking u by seetha raghavendra
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