“YOUTH is the best time to be rich, and the best time to be poor.”
This quotation can be applied to Indian youth .We can never forget the remarkable works of Indian youth. Today, Indian flag is flying high in every field in the world. The reason for this seems to be:
“The mind is like the stomach. It is not how much you put into it that counts, but how much it digests. The power of the mind are like the rays of the sun dissipated, when they are concentrated they illumine”. These words of Swami Vivekananda are really true in this context.
As the saying states ‘All that glitters is not gold’ similarly our youth are faced with numerous obstacles which makes the bright future murky, including poverty, violence, child abuse, limited educational opportunity, and unhealthy behaviors. The present picture of the world is characterized by distressing economic, social, and human costs. Addressing such challenges and adopting various strategies with a positive attitude would perhaps provide a sustainable future for the present youth.
There are a number of ‘burning’ issues facing the youth of today.
Growing up is not what it used to be. Worldwide, youth today spend far more time, preparing for adulthood than did their parents ...
...by beginning work, getting married, and having children at a later age on an average... than their counterparts of 20 years ago.
Despite the longer preparation time, the transition to adulthood is still fraught with risks and challenges. Indian Youth confront many health risks along the path to adulthood, including HIV/AIDS, injuries, and complications of pregnancy for young women who are becoming sexually active at a young age .
Another significant factor is an immense information/technology explosion.
Television, internet and mobile phones have brought the world closer…changed many paradigms... and the effect is most pronounced on the life-styles and thought pattern of youth