Assessment A, Part One - Credibility and Impact: Exploring the Internet and Politics|
Indicate whether each website is credible.|Colbert Nation: no||
Indicate whether each website is credible.|Crooks and Liars: noCrooks and Liars: yes||
Indicate whether each website is credible.|Daily Kos: no||
Indicate whether each website is credible.|POLITICO: no||
Indicate whether each website is credible.|Red, Green and Blue: yes||
Indicate whether each website is credible.|Salon: no||
Indicate whether each website is credible.|The Drudge Report: no||
Indicate whether each website is credible.|The Hill: yes||
Indicate whether each website is credible.|The Huffington Post: yes||
Indicate whether each …show more content…
website is credible.|The Nation: no||
Indicate whether each website is credible.|The New York Times: yes||
Assessment A, Part 2: Answer the Senator about Credibility|
Comment on credibility issues pertaining to using information from Internet sources.|The main thing in considering if the sources are credible is to ask yourself if there is substantiative research behind the facts ||
Assessment B: Writing the Speech|
Speech Introductory Paragraph|With the internet being the primary source the public uses for information, it plays a large role on the impact on people and thier political views.
Politicians have to keep up with the fast pace of the media. Utilizing internet websites, blogs, and social networks is a way for them to play a part in this form of media. Americans have more information then ever at thier fingertips and this allows them to make a better
informed decision when chosing a political party. A large factor in determining this should be the reliability of the information you are retaining. It is important for politicians to get thier message across in a manner that builds the public's trust in thier accountability to stand by thier declarations. Websites created by politicians with strong facts to show the benefits of the changes that they will make if elected into office can be a great help to American's that are trying to become an active part of the election process. A well-informed American can make a confident decision on the political party they will support. The more American's that a politician can gain trust, the more the word will be spread; thus thier number of votes in election will increase. It is important for a politician to be able to respond quickly to media questions and be well-educated because with the web being such a quick form of media awareness, one wrong answer can hurt a politician's chance to gain trust in Americans. The web is a large research tool and plays a significant role in a politicians campaign if they want to remain competitive and reach the maxiumum amount of Americans.||
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