1. Comment on the merit of the paper which is arguing for a separate HRM model for Oman?
It is essential to have a unique HRM model specialized for Oman due to few important reasons. The first reason is the cultural influence and there is relationship between the HRM and the social principles, values, ethics and rules. Second, the cultural aspects must be respected when considering about HR philosophy. Nonetheless, the economic conditions are greatly important as there is a strong link between the economic conditions and the HR policy. At the end, I can briefly say that there must be a special and unique HRM model for Oman due to the special conditions that made this country a different case.
2. Do you think (based on the argument raised in the paper) a distinct HRM Model for the Saudi Arabia can be advocated? If yes, how and why? What should be its constituents and why? How it will be different from the Western Model?
I believe it is perfect idea to have a distinct HRM model for Saudi Arabia. I presume this can achieve a lot for the good of the Saudi market. The suggested HRM for Saudi must put some items into consideration such as the culture, institutions, and industry sector.
When we consider the culture, the HRM model must be suitable for the common values, norms of behavior, customs, influence of pressure groups ,assumptions that shape managers’ perceptions, insights and mindsets, management style, meaning of work and values, personal dispositions, attitudes and manners, approaches to cultural diversity, match to the organization culture.
Regarding institutions, the HRM model must cope with following institutions; National labor laws, trade unions, politics, educational and vocational training set-up, labor market, professional bodies, international institutions, industry by itself, employers’ federation, consulting organizations, placement organizations, trade bodies, government institutions, local authorities,