Setrak Mardik CMGT/410
Terry Carlson
Individual: Project Controls
To: Scott McGregor CEO, Trainers, Stakeholders
From: Setrak M. Mardik
Date: 06/29/2015
Subject: Project Controls For this Project we have in front of us we are going to be expecting some changes, as the nature of the project itself, changes will occur. If a change were to be encountered during the project we have and if those said changes are out of the blue and or unexpected then we will analyze the changes fully and ensure proper documentation and reporting of the changes. Once we examine the said changes that we observed we will send the reports that we have created to the management that oversees the areas that the changes happened and study and review the changes based on specific guidelines we have set. These guidelines include:
What caused the change to happen and or why?
How long has the change been in effect and how long did it take for us to find out about the changes?
Did the changes effect the project more due to us finding out at a different time?
Has the change itself affected the project budget and if so did it increase it? Or decrease it?
What could we have done to prevent the changes?
What is the reason behind the change so we may watch out for it in the future? So it would be expected rather than unexpected.
Did the changes affect our manpower needs and or our resources?
The changes as mentioned before will be documented and reported and will be evaluated and routed accordingly announcing of the nature of the changes so Broadcom will be aware of the said changes if it were to happen again, this way it could be caught in due time and fixed so if the changes are disadvantages then we will save Broadcom resources and cost. For whatever reason that we come across that the changes we discover are needed and advantageous for us to complete it then we will ensure we follow the proper procedures for the changes to the compliance team