Trade was legal between colonists and Indians, however there were lots of regulations. Any form of trade or sale with Indians that consisted of “shot, or powder, or any other arms offensive or defensive” was illegal to prevent Indians from possessing these powerful weapons. The individual who committed the transaction was convicted as a “traitor to the colony.” A freeman could trade with Indians, but any form of trade was heavily monetized by higher ranking individuals to control the outcomes of these transactions. Authorities, like the Court of Assistants of the Massachusetts Bay colony, had the power to increase fines and punishment. Furthermore, it was at the Courts discretion in the colonies to increase these punishments, limiting individuals’ freedom of trading, and increasing the laws implemented by the community. Another way in which freedom was limited for freemen was through the laws regulating the possession of servants. A freeman had the right to posses a servant, but many regulations were imposed by both higher-ranking officials and by communal
Trade was legal between colonists and Indians, however there were lots of regulations. Any form of trade or sale with Indians that consisted of “shot, or powder, or any other arms offensive or defensive” was illegal to prevent Indians from possessing these powerful weapons. The individual who committed the transaction was convicted as a “traitor to the colony.” A freeman could trade with Indians, but any form of trade was heavily monetized by higher ranking individuals to control the outcomes of these transactions. Authorities, like the Court of Assistants of the Massachusetts Bay colony, had the power to increase fines and punishment. Furthermore, it was at the Courts discretion in the colonies to increase these punishments, limiting individuals’ freedom of trading, and increasing the laws implemented by the community. Another way in which freedom was limited for freemen was through the laws regulating the possession of servants. A freeman had the right to posses a servant, but many regulations were imposed by both higher-ranking officials and by communal