
Individualised Patient Assessment: Roper, Logan And Tierney Model

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Individualised Patient Assessment: Roper, Logan And Tierney Model
My Case Study

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The aim of this assignment is to provide a comprehensive individualised patient assessment, identify three patient problems and needs and outline the goals formulated as a result of the assessment. The assessment was guided by the Roper, Logen and Tierney Model of nursing ( Roper et al. 1990).

Patient Profile
My preceptor and I decided on a suitable candidate for this assignment. Consent was obtained from the patient and an appropriate pseudonym (Mary) was decided for the patient that would ensure her identity is protected.
Mary was a 79 year old lady who lived alone in the city with excellent family support. She is a widow for 7 years and had two sons and one daughter.
Mary was a well dressed
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We must monitor patients closely and often ensuring detection of any signs of change. Using a framework such as Roper, Logan and Tierney’s is imperative when identifying potential or actual change of state (Holland et al, 2008). This framework is a guideline that helps the medical professionals and it is up to the individual to go into more detail and assess within their capabilities.

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