This paper has been made on the basis of different criteria of different garments industry existing in Bangladesh. The issues found in the garments industry have been populated with exact information source. In this term paper the industrial relations of Bangladeshi garments industry and their existing problems are identified and solicitatedly marked to mitigate them clearly.
All the problems presented here after a deep analysis on different online and offline sources. Analyzers who prepared this paper after day to day physical endeavor with those garments industry have been reflected on this paper.
Information sources: Online & offline
Bangladesh economical terms forums, BD Economics & crisis, Wikipedia, Exploedia and so on.
The relationship between employers and employees is known as industrial relations (IR) where employers include the owners and its representatives comprising management personnel and where employee means the operatives and workers who have no decision making power for the development of company. Government is known as the third party in industrial relations. Good relationship among employers, employees, and the government is important for industrial growth, sustainability, profitability, and well- being irrespective of any sector or industry.
Garments industry is one of the important industries in Bangladesh having nearly 13% contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This industry employs near about 5 million people and it is the second largest contributor to foreign currency reserve after remittance in terms of net of export and net of remittance. Readymade Garments (RMG) is considered as the backbone of this sector which employs 3.6 million people. This is considered as backbone because this RMG industry creates scopes for the other backward linkage industries including fabric manufacturing industry, wet processing industry, spinning industry, etc.
So this is very