The Industrial Revolution started in England during the 1700s and spread throughout the rest of Europe. The Industrial Revolution was a time of new inventions, products, and methods of work. The results of the Industrial Revolution led to many short and long-term positive and negative effects. Do the short-term negative effects outweighe the long-term positive effects of the Industrial Revolution? Short-term negative effects included death and illnesses from working in factories, poor working conditions, and poor conditions within cities. While some of the long-term positive effects are cheaper prices, better/more trade, and the spread of industrialization all over the world.
A short-term negative effect of the Industrial Revolution was the poor conditions in cities. Friedrich Engels visited an English industrial city and states like he said, "The streets are usually unpaved, full of holes, filthy and strewn with refuse. Since they have no gutters, nor drains, the refuse accumulates in stagnant, stinking puddles". This shows how bad the conditions were in some cities. The factories also caused tons of pollution and poor air quality. Many people who lived in these poor cities or slums were the working class that had no simple ride through life. Many people were fed up with the conditions of the cities but they were unable to do much because they did not make enough money to move into a better area.
A positive long term effect of the Industrial Revolution was the decrease in prices. The decrease in prices came from all the people working at factories using inter-changeable parts. In The Working Man's Companion the author states "Your houses are better built, your clothes are cheaper, and you have tons of domestic utensils". This shows how people were eventually in the long run, able to live better because of the prices of goods decreasing.
Another long-term positive effect was the creation