This report seeks to identify the main industrial sources of air pollution in Trinidad and Tobago, describe the nature of the pollutants released by these sources and the likely impact that they will have on the environment. It will also outline a suitable strategy for control of these pollutants, inclusive of physical, managerial and legislative approaches.
What is air pollution?
Air pollution is the contamination of the atmosphere by gaseous, liquid or solid wastes or by-products that can endanger human health, the health and welfare of plants, animals and the environment, or can reduce visibility or produce undesirable odours. Available at
What makes the topic of air pollution such a sensitive one is that unlike other forms of pollution, for example water pollution, it cannot just simply be cleaned up. Measures can be put in place to minimise the volume of harmful emissions, but once out there, nothing can be done to get the quality of air back to its original state. Added to this is the fact that air pollution can have adverse short-term and long-term health effects on individuals, as well as, destroy the environment. According to the State of the Environment Report 2000........ “Most of these compounds affect human health and many target the respiratory tract. Other affected organs/ systems include the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, the nervous system, kidneys, cardiovascular and reproductive systems and the numerous other toxic
References: Britannica Concise Encyclopedia available @ Accessed on 29.04.10 Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P.(2001) Handbook of Pollution Prevention Practices Encyclopedia of the Nations available @ Accessed on 29.04.10 Green Facts Digest (2005), Facts on Health and the Environment available @ Accessed on 29.04.10 GreenFacts Digest (2005), Facts on Health and the Environment available @ Accessed on 29.04.10 New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services available @ Accessed on 29.04.10 Oracle Education Foundation available @ Accessed on 29.04.10 Pierce, J. Jeffrey, Vesilind, Aarne P., Weiner, Ruth F., Environmental Pollution and Control 4th edition State of The Environment Report 2000 U.S. Department of State available @ Accessed on 29.04.10 Accessed on 29.04.10 U.S. EPA available @ Accessed on 29.04.10 | Word count = 2,296 including tables and excluding references