From the 1815-1860, two events changed the role of woman in society forever. From a social, political and cultural standpoints The antebellum market revolution and the second great awakening both played key roles in changing the woman’s role in the family, workplace and society.…
In the years 1890-1925, the role of women in American society had changed politically, economically, and socially. Women were no longer considered the servant of men. She was considered an important part of society, but wasn’t able to lead in areas dominated by men. In this time period this is when things started to change for the women.…
“Women worked hard to create income for their family, such as making clothes from scratch, turning fresh raw game into meals, cleaning homes and baking” (Bowles, M. 2011). Women did just about everything that a man did on top of their own work; they had to be prepared for the unexpected. Women would have to do other things like, tending to the farm animals, and handling the crops. Where democratic freedom is concerned, women fell short along with African Americans for the longest of time. 1842-1932, Anna Elizabeth Dickinson,…
One of the most important results of social policy movements in the United States was the ratification of the 19th Amendment securing a woman's right to vote in 1920. This law was hard-won and was instituted during a period (1905-1920), as Jansson notes (2011), when significant reforms for women, children, and workers were enacted in a relatively short amount of time. These reforms included guaranteeing better working environments for women, the implementation of child labor laws, and the institution of workmen's compensation (Jansson, 2011). Before these policy changes took place, labor conditions for workers during this period of rapid industrialization…
In 1920 a constitutional amendment was passed giving all women the right to vote (Keene 534). In addition to being able to vote, a protective legislation was passed that reduced the hours that women were made to work because of their reproductive health. This turned out to be a good thing for men because it created more jobs for them (Keene 546). Industrialist then began to argue that jobs provided valuable training for working-class children who needed to learn the importance of punctuality and hard work to become successful adult workers. Things changed for children in the progressive era for children as well as women. Child labor was not banned because one -tenth of a family’s income came from child labor but, factories were made safer places for children to work (Keene 549). The American political system were a fine collection of smart machine bosses that used their advantages…
Dramatic changes happened during the nineteenth century as many industrial factories emerged, but with the rapid growth comes its consequences. Many people left the farmland to come to cities to work in factories. An influx of immigrants coming to America to seek a better life was also found during this Era, but found themselves taking on the low wage and “sweatshop” type work. During this time, there was a lack of federal regulation against the monopolistic companies. The Triangle Factory Fire serves as the pivotal point in women’s rights and labor rights during the Progressive Era in United States history. The documents examine the roles of Progressive reformers in challenging the government to take more control in regulating the workplace…
As The United States moved into the 20th century, society had to confront the effects of industrialization, the growth of economic power, americanization, and a great wave of immigration. The Progressive movement came to be because of the desire to change aspects of industrialization, and to make the government more responsive to people and their opinions. The atmosphere of reform gave rise to a new women’s movement. There were new opportunities for women while there was a growth in big business such as working in a factory, or being a saleswoman. However, women often found their efforts being dominated by men. As women tried to address these social problems, they had to cope with the view that women were inferior to men. The way that…
During the growth of the Industrial Revolution in the mid 1800s, big companies and businesses started to boom. The growth of these companies provided many job opportunities for those in need. Those in need of jobs included men, women, and even children. Even after the Industrial Revolution, child labor was still a huge issue in America. With the rise of the Woman’s Suffrage Movement, reformers such as Florence Kelley took the stage to improve the conditions for women and children in the workforce through labor reforms. Kelley, who was a worker and reformer, addressed this issue in her speech at the convention of the National American Women Suffrage Association in Philadelphia in the summer of 1905. She successfully used her persuasive and argumentative…
In the 18th to 19th century, during the Industrial Revolution, gender equality rights were harsh making it difficult to work in the textile mills. Factories required Women and young children to take on the roles as mill workers to help the families to survive. While men were out in the fields working, women worked harder in the factories making much less than the men. Women worked longer days, starting from before sunrise to past sundown then most men. In addition, women worked in factories with dangerous machines, rats, and overall filthy working conditions. As a result, the female mill workers in America and England shared experiences of inequality due to the amount of money they made, the horrible conditions they had to work in, and their family life.…
As the industrial growth started in the 1800s many factory owners began to hire women. Majority of the women who worked in the factories were poor, young, unmarried or widows, women of the middle-class were privileged to stay at home to provide their domestic duties. Women were paid lower then men due to women were subordinate to them., it did not matter what kind of quality the women produced. Any income women received legally belonged to their husbands and with that status employers were able to keep women’s wages low. Eventually women created labor associations because they wanted to sort issues out such as the terrible working conditions, low pay, and longer hours. The Female Labor Reform met once a week to discuss conditions that needed to be improved. Even though they were doubted by many that they would not make any difference and would not be listened to, they never gave up.…
In the 1800’s women’s work exhausting, difficult the society was unappreciative. Women who couldn’t afford slaves to help were put permanently on household duties. Women would cook, clean, make clothing, take care of domestic animals, hunt, fish, and protect their family. There was a lot of work to be done as a colonial woman, especially since most had more than 8 kids to take care of. The wife of a family was an essential component. Without a strong and productive wife a family would struggle just to survive. Yet even though women had worked extremely hard day in and day out to ensure care of their family they were not allowed to speak among men, could not vote, and could not take part in government decisions.…
The antebellum market revolution transformed a subsistence economy of scattered farms and tiny workshops into a national network of industry and commerce. In other words, it took the work that most people did in their homes, and made them more efficient through factories. On the other hand, the Second Great Awakening was a religious revival characterized by emotional mass “camp meetings” and widespread conversion. It influenced many things including the women’s movement. Although women were still considered inferior to men, the role of women in family, workplace, and society evolutionized as a result of the antebellum market revolution and Second Great Awakening in the years 1815-1860.…
Before the Women’s Suffrage movement began, women faced hardships that would later motivate them to take a stand for women’s rights. Women were, at that time, being abused and mistreated by men and society, in order to gain what was necessary to survive during this time in American history. The industrial revolution had just swept the nation by surprise. The industrial revolution changed the process of production from hand tools and man labor, to power driven machinery. (Dublin). This change from hand labor to power machinery affected the women greatly. The women continued to do the same jobs as before the industrial era, but now all work was done on machines to increase both output and production rates on products. This new way of manufacturing…
With the American revolution came an entirely new perspective of female ability. A entire political world was opened up to the female population education became more common for the group of white middle class women. Changing dramatically form being souly educated for religious purposes, the demand for education for women increased it was a battle very quickly won and women slowly became more well-rounded and knowledgeable. Although women’s legal rights were still little it was becoming more evident that they were capable of more than what was previously believed. Many new arguments arose questioning how a women trusted with the duty of shaping the future generation was ‘small minded’. Women themselves were realizing their own abilities. During the revolution they helped as much as they could using their needlework to pay off war debts, this boosted the women’s confidence many were expecting better occupations as well as voting rights. These events all led to the women’s awakening and prompted them to fight for their rights.…
It is no secret that for centuries, women have faced years and years of discrimination, inferiority to men, and being viewed as less than human by society. Women have had to fight for their right to vote amongst other legal rights, and for their independence from their husbands. “When American women began to enter the labor force in the nineteenth century, the relatively few jobs open to them were highly segregated by gender” (Spain 1992: 14). The first women’s labor union began to form by the end of the 1930’s. Women’s activism began to increase, leading to a new reform in paid work and the rise in feminism in the midst of a new labor movement (Gregory 2003: 25). By the 1940’s, the transition of the housewife to that of a working woman began to trend. Women began to venture out of the home in search of employment and educational opportunities to help provide for their families, since their…