In 1920 a constitutional amendment was passed giving all women the right to vote (Keene 534). In addition to being able to vote, a protective legislation was passed that reduced the hours that women were made to work because of their reproductive health. This turned out to be a good thing for men because it created more jobs for them (Keene 546). Industrialist then began to argue that jobs provided valuable training for working-class children who needed to learn the importance of punctuality and hard work to become successful adult workers. Things changed for children in the progressive era for children as well as women. Child labor was not banned because one -tenth of a family’s income came from child labor but, factories were made safer places for children to work (Keene 549). The American political system were a fine collection of smart machine bosses that used their advantages
In 1920 a constitutional amendment was passed giving all women the right to vote (Keene 534). In addition to being able to vote, a protective legislation was passed that reduced the hours that women were made to work because of their reproductive health. This turned out to be a good thing for men because it created more jobs for them (Keene 546). Industrialist then began to argue that jobs provided valuable training for working-class children who needed to learn the importance of punctuality and hard work to become successful adult workers. Things changed for children in the progressive era for children as well as women. Child labor was not banned because one -tenth of a family’s income came from child labor but, factories were made safer places for children to work (Keene 549). The American political system were a fine collection of smart machine bosses that used their advantages