Marcus Monteiro
PSY 310
May 4, 2014
Professor Sara Molloy
Inez Beverly Prosser (1895-1934), was an African American psychologist of the early twentieth century. Her main focus was on the significance of racism and its effects upon children relative to the obtainment of fair and adequate education. This writing will address the endeavors, perspectives, and accomplishments of this significant yet vastly under recognized African American female psychologist. A psychologist who led us on a journey through her perspectives as seen through the mind and eyes as an African American. It would be a journey of the many obstacles endured to enhance her knowledge as a way to make a difference for other African American children through higher education. Prosser contributed much, not only for African Americans, but also to the field of psychology through research. This journey takes you through her childhood, her desires, and her struggles while striving to achieve her goals and recognition. What is at the end of this journey is a legacy which has given hope and aspirations for many past, present and future generations.
Inez Beverly Prosser Twentieth Century African American Psychologist
20th Century Education in Psychology – The Matter of Gender
In the early twentieth century, the composition of psychologists was predominantly Caucasian males. Caucasian females at that time were more and more given the opportunity to attend college and teach within those colleges. However, those same women continued to encounter resistance to the opportunity for obtaining a degree in psychology. One such renowned female of that period was Mary Whiton Calkins (1863 – 1930). Calkins applied to study at Harvard University, but at the time, Harvard did not permit women admittance. Through letters, petitions, protest, and insistence by
Cited: Bazar. (2010). Psychology 's feminist Voices. Retrieved May 2, 2014, from Feminist Voices: Benjamin, L. T. (2005). Inez Beverly Prosser and the Education of African Americans. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 41, 43-62. Wiley Interscience. (2005). Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. pp. 41(1), 43-62.