
Influence of Agency Costs on Dividend Policy - Research Proposal

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Influence of Agency Costs on Dividend Policy - Research Proposal
By S.Murdhen


Table of Contents

1. INTRODUC TION .............................................................................................................. 3 2. B rief Objectives .................................................................................................................. 4 3.0 Brief Liter ature Rev iew ........................................................................................... 4 3.1 Cornerstones of dividend policy ................................................................................................. 4 3.2 Equity Agency Cost Theory........................................................................................................ 5 3.3 Remedies to Agency Conflicts and their Costs ........................................................................... 5 3.4 Jensen’s Free Cash Flow Hypothesis .......................................................................................... 6 3.4 Using the Tobin’s Q .................................................................................................................... 6 3.5 Further Studies ............................................................................................................................ 7 4.0 Research M ethodo logy ............................................................................................. 7 4.1 Data Collection Methods ............................................................................................................ 7 4.2 Sources of Data ........................................................................................................................... 8 4.3 Sample......................................................................................................................................... 8 4.4 Data analysis ............................................................................................................................... 8 4.5 Use of Models

References: 1. Berle, A.A. and Means, G.C. (1932). The Modern Corporation and Private Property. The Macmillan Company, New York, NY. 2. Dolmat-Connell, J. (2002). Carrots and Sticks. Forbes, p.42. 3. Jensen, M. (1986). Agency cost of free cash flow, corporate finance and takeovers. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 4. Jensen, M. (1989). Eclipse of public corporation. Harvard Business Review 5. Jensen, M. and Meckling, W. (1976). Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behaviour, Agency Costs, and Ownership Structure. Journal of Financial Economics, pp.305-360. 6. Jensen, M. and Ruback, R. (1983). The market for corporate control: The Scientific Evidence. Journal of Financial Economics, 11, pp. 5-50. 7. Lang, L., Stulz, R. and Walking, R. (1991). A test of the free cash flow hypothesis. Journal of Financial Economics, 27. 10 8. Lichtenberg, F. and Siegel, D. (1990). The effects of leveraged buyouts on productivity and related aspects of firm behaviour. Journal of Financial Economics. 9. Lubatkin, M. and Chatterjee, S. (1994). Extending modern portfolio theory into the domain of corporate diversification: Does it apply?. Academy of Management Journal, 37, pp. 109-136. 10. Pinegar, M. and Wilbricht, L. (1989). What Managers Think of Capital Structure Theory: A Survey. Financial Management, Winter, pp. 82-91. 11. Smith, A. (1990). Corporate ownership structure and performance. The case of Management Buyouts. Journal of Financial Economics, 27, pp.143-164. 12. McConnell, J. and Muscarella, C. (1985). Corporate capital expenditure decisions and the market value of firms. Journal of Financial Economics, 14, pp. 399-422. 13. Modigliani, F. and Miller, M. (1958). The cost of capital, corporation finance, and the theory of investment. American economic Review 48, June, 261-197. 14. Dividend Smoothing, Agency Costs, and Information Asymmetry: Lessons from the Dividend Policies of Private Firms. 15. Michael S. Rozeff , Growth, Beta and Agency Costs as Determinants of Dividend Payout Ratios, Journal of Financial Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 249-259, Fall 1982. 16. Smith, A. (1990). Corporate ownership structure and performance. The case of Management Buyouts. Journal of Financial Economics, 27, pp.143-164. 17. Henri Servaes Tobin’s Q and the gain from takeovers: The Journal of Finance • Vol. LXVI, No. 1 • March 1991. 18. Easterbrook (1984): Two Agency-Cost Explanations of Dividends. 19. The Modern Corporation and Private Property, Berle and Means. 20. Brealey & Myers on Corporate Finance: Capital Investment and Valuation , Richard A Brealey, Stewart C Myers. 21. The Black (1976) effect and cross market arbitrage in FTSE-100 index futures and options. 11

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