Learning Resources
1. Recommended Text –
Information Technology Project Management, 3rd Edition, Jack T. Marchewka
2. Various Readings/Media 3. Online Discussions (Edmodo) 4. Lecture Material/Slides
Introduction to Project Mgt
5 Evaluate
1 Define
4 Close
Project Management
2 Plan 3 Execute Based on Marchewka, Ch 1
Do we need PM?
How the customer explained it
How the project leader understood it
How the Analyst designed it
How the Programmer wrote it
How the Business Consultant described it
How the project was documented
What Operations installed
How the customer was billed
How it was supported
What the customer really needed
The Software Crisis
! The CHAOS study published in 1995 by The Standish Group found that although the U.S spent over $250 billion on IT projects, approximately…
31% were cancelled before completion 53% were completed but over budget, over schedule, & did not meet original specifications
Has the Current State of IT Projects Changed Since 1994? ! The Standish Group has continued to study IT projects over the years. ! In general, IT Projects are showing higher success rates due to
Better project management tools & processes Smaller projects Improved communication among stakeholders More skillful IT project managers
! But there is still ample opportunity for improvement!
Summary of the Chaos Studies from 1994 to 2006
Rank! 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10!
1994! User!Involvement! Execu1ve!Management! Support! Clear!Statement!of! Requirements! Proper!Planning! Realis1c!Expecta1ons! Smaller!Project!Milestones! Competent!Staff! Ownership! Clear!Vision!&!Objec1ves! HardNworking,!focused!team!
2001! Execu1ve!Support! User!Involvement! Experienced!Project!Manager! Clear!Business!Objec1ves! Minimized!Scope! Standard!SoDware!