Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science
17 (2), 2013, 59-88
DOI 10.3233/jid-2013-0009 The Evolution of Management Information Systems: A
Literature Review
Xiaojuan (Julia) Zhang*
School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
Abstract The Management Information Systems (MISs) have been displaying considerable diversity during the evolution in the past decades. It comes such a big demand and challenge to draw an overarching picture of the evolutionary development of MISs. By systematically investigating the existing representative literature/research in
MISs, especially by analyzing and modeling the MIS concepts, this paper first identifies the crises and challenges the traditional MIS has faced. Furthermore, by applying EBD, a design methodology, the author analyzes how these crises have been addressed, and as a result, how the classical MIS Pyramid is transformed and developed into an intelligenceintegration framework for the understanding of MISs evolution, which is able to not only position various information systems, but also show how these systems are still interrelated in the whole process of the evolution. The two dimensional framework here for MISs is conceptual model based, and different from prior frameworks, is able to describe the overall evolution of management information systems dynamically, rather than just “partially”, or
“statically”. This framework also provides a model applicable to the development of MISs and information technologies, thus it is has meanings not just academia but also practice. The descriptive validity or consolidation of the framework is demonstrated by applying it to published MISs’ studies. Future trends and challenges of MISs are also discussed based on the framework in this paper.
Keywords: Management information systems, evolution, framework, Environment Based Design, literature review
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