Outline for an Informative Speech
How many of you go out just to escape worry? How many of you go watch a movie to forget about trouble? How many of you go to the beach just because you bored or lonely? Have you ever gambled? Well, today I’m here to share some very important information that will allow you to understand how pathological gambling could be very addictive and the difficulties of it and you will understand the inaccuracy of the gambler’s belief.
I. Pathological gambling is very addictive
II. Difficulties of gambling addiction
III. The gambler’s fallacy
TRANSITION: Pathological gambling is being considered as an addiction.
I. Pathological gambling is very addictive
A. Keep on gambling nonstop 1. Negative consequences 2. Harm is experienced by the gambler
B. Impulsive control disorder
TRANSITION: The difficulties cause by gambling addiction.
II. Difficulties of gambling addiction A. Adverse consequences
B. In order to be diagnosed
TRANSITION: The inaccuracy of the gambler’s belief.
III. The gambler’s fallacy
A. The chance due after a string of losses B. Some illegal act taken by the gamblers
TRANSITION: Gambling is a serious control disorder that leads to many consequences in life.
I. Pathological gambling is very addictive
II. Difficulties of gambling addiction
III. The gambler’s fallacy
Gambling is a very serious impulsive control disorder, it can strain relationships, interfere with work, and leads to financial catastrophe. You may even do things you never thought you would, like stealing money to gamble or pay your debts. You may think you can’t stop but, with the right help, you can overcome a gambling problem or addiction and