Ms. Hingle
COMM 150
20 October 2015 Informative Speech Outline
I. Introduction
A. How would you react, if you found out you were in taking a drug without even knowing it? Would you continue or stop? Drugs are anything that stimulates your body to react in a certain way. For those that didn’t know this, caffeine is a drug.
B. Statistics have proven that any amount exceeding “five or more cups of coffee will increase the risk of cardiac arrest (Caffeine).” “60 percent of the total caffeine consumed in the United States is from coffee as well as 16 percent comes from soft drinks and teas (Caffeine).” Many children and adults consume coffee on the daily and they do so to get energy into their body. “The average daily consumption of caffeine for adults in the United States is about 210 mg (Caffeine).” It is stated that it takes about 40 cups of coffee to kill a person. Caffeine as many positive and negative effects when ingested.
C. As a teenager in college, I can say intake a lot of caffeine, therefore making me want to know how it effects my body.
D. Knowing about the positive and negative effects of drinking caffeine can help a person’s lifestyle and how much they …show more content…
Even though caffeine has many risky effects that doesn’t stop people from consuming caffeine. Positively caffeine is an energy booster. Many people I know can’t start their day without a cup of coffee or even tea. As a college student, caffeine is the first thing we go to. It helps us stay up late to finish homework and also keep us awake the next day. It is said that “a cup of pre-exercise coffee can help most athletes work harder without realizing it. Caffeine has been shown to enhance performance by about 1% to 3%, particularly in endurance sports (Caffeine: Performance Enhancement in A Mug).” “Many headache medications also contain caffeine (Caffeine).” Even if you’re not drinking coffee/tea or eating chocolate, you can still absorb caffeine through certain