Transition: So what is caffeine you generally think of it in, Coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate, and its part of almost all college students daily diet.
I. Caffeine A. What is caffeine 1. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary caffeine is defined as a bitter alkaloid C8H10N4O2 (not that any of you care) found especially in coffee, tea, cacao, and kola nuts and used medicinally as a stimulant and diuretic 2. The word caffeine comes from the French word café, meaning coffee. 3. most widely used drug in the world B. How we consume caffeine 1. Drinks most common way of consumption in coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks. 2. Medication usually in pain relievers such as Aspirin, Bayer, and Midol. 3. naturally in plants such as coco, and yerba mate. C. How much caffeine are we consuming 1. according to the Mayo clinic a healthy amount of caffeine a day is 200-300mg 2. That’s approximately 4 cups of coffee 3. According to the Food and drug Administration (FDA)the average caffeine consumption among Americans is 280 mg a day, but 20-30% consume more than 600 mg daily.
II. Benefits of caffeine A. Staying awake 1. By binding adenosine level 2. By increasing adrenaline live 3. by increasing dopamine level B. lowers the risk of some diseases 1. Gallstones, caffeine drinkers had a 20% less chance then non drinkers in getting gallstones. 2. Colon Cancer, drinkers who drink 2 cups of coffee or around 100mg of caffeine a day had 25% reduced risk of colon cancer, compared to non-drinkers. 3. Parkinson’s disease, caffeine protects human brain cells. C. improving performance 1. Physical performance,