As you all know there are different blood types. Here you can see a table of the varieties of blood types. People with type A can give to all type A. Same for B, O and AB. O- can give blood to anyone. So for example: if I am O- and you are B- I can give you blood. If I am O- and you are A+ I can give you blood. If I am O- and you are AB+ I can give you blood. Speaking of AB+, people who have AB+ type can receive from anyone. For example: If I am AB+ and you are A- you can give me blood. If I am AB+ and you are O+ you can give me blood. If I am AB+ and you are B+ you can give me blood. How wonderful!! BUT!!! Not anyone is able to give blood. Rules and regulation for blood donation differ from one country to another. All the rules that I am going to say are according to the ministry of health in Lebanon. First you have to be between 18 and 65 years old. For men you have to weight more than 60 kg (and yes I am more that 60 kg… 61) and for women 50 kg. Women cannot donate while being pregnant. You can donate after 3 months of the previous donation. You can donate 1 year after having a tattoo or a piercing. You cannot donate if you have STD’s. For example AIDS or Hepatitis B. You cannot donate if you already had a blood transfusion. Those are the most common cases. But there are many more.
Now that we have seen if you are eligible to donate, lets see the importance of blood donation on your body.